october 2022

happy spooky season! i’ve got a few extra bits besides the roll i shot this month. i’m not sure if it’s just the seasonal change, but i definitely feel a shift happening in regards to my relationship with photography - growing pains, which is a welcome ache after being stagnant for so long. i’m working on being less flippant about my processing and refining my craft, which makes this roll so bittersweet; the photos themselves i’m very pleased with, but i’m still working out what went wrong with my chemistry to make it so muddy. Since my developer is fresh, it’s definitely my fix, which i suppose i knew but won’t have the means to replenish until later this week. impatience on my part, altogether.

i’m looking forward to starting “fresh” and doing some control experiments in the next month. besides the chemistry end of things, i’m feeling a bit boxed in by my contax g2 - my right hand man for the past 7 years. not sure if it’s just 35mm and the way i shoot with it, but i am wanting … more. I may challenge myself to use the mamiya for these “diary” photos during the month of november, but more importantly, i’d like to clean up my graflex and get back into 4x5.

enough rambling, here’s the roll!

abdul in front of the hampton city hall

ft. monroe was reminiscent of savannah (oak trees and old houses) and it made my heart ache

lining the walls of the fort itself are dozens of beloved pet graves from the past 75 years.

we saw these types of spider nests all over the area.

chuck’s camera in hampton - can’t really put into words how it felt to round the corner and find this room.

my friends closed on a house this month!

future site of Many Good Times

i tabled my first event selling artwork!

thanks to cody for inviting me!

newport news neighborhoods are incredibly cozy.

Here’s some bonus photos of a pumpkin carving event at Vibrant Shore Brewing, it really kick started the season for me.

my friend hannah hosted a halloween party this past weekend and i ran
around in the near total-darkness with my sony’s ISO cranked up,
confirming that 102,400 ISO is a marketing ploy because holy moly, i
don’t know who would ever use it and be satisfied with the results (even i, who has a soft spot for mysterious grainy images). anyway, she
did a wonderful time hosting and a good old fashioned game of “what’s in
the box” was the highlight.

thanks for looking through this longer-than-usual post. our tourist town is winding down for the season, but i’m still seeking out fun things for me and my camera to explore. i hope everyone had a safe and lovely halloween!

a spooky salutations,


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