darkroom duds

darkroom experiments! yeehaw!

for the first time in forever, i had a simple shoot with a few props for the sake of playing around with portraits.

i know my blacks are punchy (knock out, really) and that’s the way i tend to like it. i haven’t done portraiture in a while though and i recognize it isn’t really appropriate for that. looking at the raw prints (scans can’t even do it justice) is making me rethink a few things. it’s wild how much detail is in the print vs the negative scan, but i’ll admit i don’t spend as much time as i should on capturing tones in favor of an overall aesthetic.

time to hit the books, i think.

the only solarization that actually “worked”

these photos were printed on ilford multigrade iv rc postcard paper, which is absolutely adorable.

now i just need to start shooting photos that are worth the time and money to print :-)

hope to have more to share soon,


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